Hopefully, the information will be useful for those of you who were indicated for a surgery at CZ Clinic by your doctor so that you can prepare for the surgery without any stress. When planning the surgeries, we aim for our patients not to be waiting long on the day of the surgery. Therefore the CZ Clinic team will contact you by telephone on the date of the surgery to specify the time of your arrival.

Most procedures are performed with general anaesthesia. The date indicated in your report is the date of surgery performance! Thus you do not arrive, as e.g. in hospitals, on the day before! You must come on the day of the surgery with the report of your pre-operation examinations done by your general practitioner. It is important not to consume any food, not to drink and not to smoke from midnight of the day of the surgery before general anaesthesia! Otherwise your surgery would have to be postponed. Be assured that all we care about is your safety during the surgery. The anaesthesiologist will need your completed anaesthesiology questionnaire (download), you may be provided with the questionnaire at the reception upon your arrival.

You will come to the CZ Clinic reception with your general practitioner's report and pre-surgery examinations (preferably also with the anaesthesiology questionnaire and informed consent) at the time specified by CZ Clinic personnel. Here a nurse takes over your forms, or helps you completing them, includes them into your patient's card, receives your fee as set in compliance with the pricelist (operating fee at the amount of CZK 1 000, in case of overnight stay CZK 2 000) and then the nurse guides you to your room. After your card is submitted to the department, your blood pressure and pulse will be measured, your body weight and height are entered into the card and after a short talk with the anaesthesiologist you are ready for the surgery under general anaesthesia. 

After the surgery you are visited by the doctor who performed the operation to inform you about the course of the surgery and suggested post-surgery treatment. When you are discharged, you are provided with the discharge summary indicating the date of your check at your doctor's office.

Wishing you a fast recovery,

CZ Clinic personnel

Feel free to contact us.  tel.:   +420 725 443 027

We have prepared a short video for you showing how the arrival at the CZ Clinic is and what to look out for: